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With the global outbreak of the novel coronavirus, people have started to have pre-emptive preparedness, make contingency plans, or perform feasible measures. COVID-19, as a highly contagious disease, more serious than SARS, has taken its toll on all levels in our life. With the experience of fighting SARS, Taiwan performed better than any other country in preventing the spread of COVID-19.
Despite the pre-emptive preparedness our government has performed, we residents should also take action to prevent us from getting COVID-19. As a senior high school student, what kind of preventative measures can we take to contain the pandemic?
For instance, we have to go to school by bus, train, MRT, etc. If we could obey the rules that we should keep our mask on our face all the time while taking the public transportation, we will contain the deadly pandemic in a more feasible way.
We really need to know that there’s one thing, which is the most important of all, that is hand-washing, why is it important? because it will decrease the chance of getting COVID-19 from our hand through our mouth to our respiratory system. Additionally, we should check our temperature every day. It can help us know if we have a fever or something goes wrong. One more thing to add is that we had better not to go to the hospital except for emergencies.
Aside from wearing the mask, practicing social distancing is important as well. In such a critical moment, we have to support each other. So remember we have to perform social distancing instead of emotional distancing, we have to work together to combat the pandemic. With the cooperation of each and every citizen , we’ll regain our normal life for sure.